What it is
It is the reporting of a risk that may harm clients, our persons, shareholders, the public or the reputation of Idea Real Estate S.p.A. itself. The report may be made, if desired, with an absolute guarantee of anonymity.
Why report
Because protecting our work, our company, our people, our clients and our employees is our right and our duty. The objective of this tool, already adopted by the RINA Group for many years, is to prevent the occurrence of non-conformities, abuses or irregularities within the organisation, but also to involve all stakeholders and the general public in an activity to combat illegality and unsuitable behaviour, through active and responsible participation.
What to report
Alleged violations, perpetrated by internal staff, collaborators and business partners, related to the following aspects:
- violation of the Code of Ethics
- violation of the Organisation and Management Model pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001
- violation of laws and regulations
- acts of corruption
- harassment in the workplace
- corporate fraud
- human rights
- other violations.
What not to report
For communications of a commercial or operational nature (e.g. complaints), the pre-existing communication channels remain valid.
How to report
Reports can be registered through an external, independent service that provides two different channels:
- A voice channelwhere it is possible to report in any language facts that the reporting person considers relevant, professionally guided by experienced staff. Should you wish to record a report in a language other than English, an interpreter is available to faithfully and rigorously mediate communication between the reporter and the recipient. The voice channel is active 24 hours a day, every day of the year
- A web channelwhere you can register a report by filling in structured forms, also with a multilingual interface. When accessing the web channel, you will find a platform that will ask you to choose the language in which you want to operate and will then allow you to enter your report.
At the beginning of the report, you will be asked for the reporting company. You may either quote RINA Prime Value Services or the name of the Group legal entity you wish to refer to.
Upon submission of the report a ticket is issued which allows you to re-enter the portal and monitor the progress.
The report, if the reporting person so wishes, can be completely anonymous for both channels, and will be handled by RINA Prime Value Services in accordance with the whistleblowing process which you can
read here.
The telephone numbers (for voice reports) and the link to the report reception page (for web reports) are given at the top of this page.
Who provides the reporting service
The service is offered by Safecall, a qualified, independent company outside the RINA Group
Who handles the report
The Corporate Internal Audit function of RINA Prime Value Services S.p.A. is in charge of managing the reports.
Protection of the reporting person
Idea Real Estate S.p.A. undertakes to protect those who have made a report in good faith from intimidation and retaliation.
The report is handled confidentially and the identity of the person making the report, when declared by him/her, is not revealed without his/her consent.
A well-made, substantiated and detailed report can be handled without further involvement of the reporting person. In any case, the information will be treated confidentially.
Protection of the reported person
In the course of the internal investigation of the report, all the rights of the reported person shall be guaranteed and in no case shall proceedings be initiated in the absence of concrete evidence as to the content of the report.